KP Lake Area Property Owners Association Annual Meeting: July 6th, 2024
Call to Order -The annual meeting was called to order by President Jon Buxton, with 16 members and guests in attendance before/during the potluck and subsequent meeting. Introductions were made of the Board of Directors (Roll Call): ● Jon Buxton – President ● Gary McDonald- Vice President ● Bonnie Doremire – Treasurer ● Becky Buxton – Secretary New Members/Guests – A welcome was offered, and all present introduced themselves and identified their locations on the lake for attendees. Several members were first time attendees! Members Ill/In Distress – Bob Knight ill, Ed Rosa and Lynne Hoehn passed. Community Watch – No report. Secretary Report and Correspondence– Meeting notes from July 2023 were read. No additions or corrections noted. Motion to accept Secretary Report as read by Mile Doremire, seconded by Cathy McDonald. Motion passed. 2024 Meeting notes will be e-mailed to members we have email addresses for. Treasurer Report – Balance on hand as of June 30, 2023 $11,412.72 ● Income Dues (2023-14* Owners) $510.00 Interest Total Income $510.00 ● Expenses: Huron Pines- Invasive Species removal $200.00 N. Watkins-Website Expenses $144.00 Total Expenses $344.00 ● Balance on hand: as of June 30, 2024 $11,578.72 Motion to accept Treasurer Report as read by Cathy McDonald, seconded by Sandy Rosa. Motion passed. Lake Steward Reports –Invasive Species: Roger Popp reported via a letter, that one of the previously reported colonies has been eradicated. Areas treated and previously eradicated Phragmites colonies have shown some regrowth, as well as a site with new growth. As it is early in the season, positive identification of the plants will be forthcoming. A note to the residents as well as Huron Pines was sent to begin the process of treatment this fall. Creel Study: Mike Doremire reported that the lake condition and clarity is consistently favorable. Clarity remains at around 16 feet. Old Business – Gypsy Moth discussion for those new members, regarding prohibitive association cost. Last year’s quote: $30,000.00 New Business and Good of the Order– ● Road Clean Updates- September 21, 2024 ● 2025 Annual Meeting: July 5th, 2025 Noon at the Lovell’s Township Pavilion ● KP Lake Website: this link is also found on Lovell Townships’ website- under the Association tab. ● Internet Service discussed: Truestream with Great Lakes Energy. The infrastructure is in place. Residents encouraged to contact Truestream regarding early 2025 installation. Several service options are available. New members Kelly and Mike Kowatch, via email correspondence indicated AVS Broadband could also be a service to investigate if interested. ● Motors on the Lake and High-Powered Electric craft. Discussion ensued about non-electric motors on the Lake and what residents should do to report that. In general, calling 911 or the Sheriff department is the course of action. As electric motors become more powerful, members inquired if we could have a limited wake regulation. The DNR (who controls the boat launch and signage) will be contacted about any current or future regulations which could be posted. The President will contact Roger Popp to pursue this information. ● Fish Re-Stocking: As the DNR report last year suggested that KP Lake had been overfished, discussion ensued. Roger Popp, via personal communication, also suggested possible restocking with several varieties of fish. The President will contact Roger to inquire about possible costs. ● Dues. Since the Gypsy Moth eradication is cost prohibitive, discussion ensued about continuing to collect dues, or have a pause. Members felt continuation of dues collection was warranted. ● Ordinances Green Belt and Zoning Information, Noise: Lovell’s township has a Green Belt Ordinance regarding removal of trees, construction of decks, stairs and removal of vegetation etc. In general, KP Lake has a 50’ zone where removal of vegetation/trees etc. is prohibited, unless the vegetation is dead, or you have a variance from the township. Extending decks into that area generally requires a variance. We are embedding an informative Green Belt summary in these minutes. Lovell’s Township has the complete Zoning Ordinances on their website. The Zoning Administrator is Dale Gauthier. 989-348-7301 or [email protected] for contacts. The Lovell’s Noise Ordinance is also embedded in this report as new members have joined recently. We will also include these ordinances and summary on our website. Reminders included that there are noise ordinances as well, also on our website. Short Term Rental information is on hold awaiting updates by the DNR. Board Nominations – Kathy Zimmer Rowley nominated Jon Buxton-President, Gary McDonald - Vice President, Rebecca Buxton-Secretary, and Bonnie Doremire-Treasurer to serve another year. These motions were seconded by Kelly Hojnacki. Motions passed. The new Board is as follows: o Jon Buxton – President o Gary McDonald - Vice President o Bonnie Doremire - Treasurer o Becky Buxton – Secretary Reminders: Fall Road Clean Up: September 21th, 2024 10am meet at KP Lake Rd and 612. There will be refreshments for helpers! 2025 Annual Meeting: July 5th, 2025 Noon at the Lovell’s Township Pavilion Information to follow. Meeting Adjourned: Denise Larkin made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Kathy Zimmer Rowley. Meeting was adjourned.
Please join us for a potluck on Saturday July 6th, 2024 at 12pm for our Annual KP Lake Property Owners' meeting!
We will be meeting at the Lovells Township Offices in the Pavilion, 8405 Twin Bridge Rd, Grayling MI 49738. Our treasurer will be on hand to collect dues ($30) and make adjustments to your email and addresses if necessary. Reach out to us at [email protected] in order to get instructions on mailing a check or using paypal to pay these dues. We will have the pavillion from 12 to 4pm, please share this with any new neighbors that may not be on our distribution list. If you are not on our email list and would like to be, please reach out to us at our email address above. Hope to see you then! This is just a reminder of our upcoming Fall Road Clean-Up. If you are able to join us, we are meeting September 23, 2023 at 10am, near the corner of KP Lake Rd and Co Rd 612. We will offer a few refreshments also. Hope to see you there!!
KP Lake Area Property Owners Association Annual Meeting: July 8th, 2023
Call to Order -The annual meeting was called to order by President Jon Buxton, with 23 members and guests in attendance before/during the potluck and subsequent meeting. Introductions were made of the Board of Directors (Roll Call): -Jon Buxton - President - [email protected] - Gary McDonald - Vice President - Bonnie Doremire - Treasurer - Becky Buxton - Secretary President Report-
Members Ill/In Distress – No Report. Community Watch – No report. Secretary Report and Correspondence– Meeting notes from July 2022 were read. No additions or corrections noted. Motion to accept Secretary Report as read by Sandy Rosa, seconded by Gail Hunter. Motion passed. 2023 Meeting notes will be e-mailed to members we have email addresses for. Portions of an email were read from a concerned citizen who has fished the lake for several decades, indicating concern over the lack of weeds on the lake, along with fish reduction. The DNR report along with information regarding Huron Pines and Phragmites treatment were forwarded to that citizen. Artificial Light Pollution: A lake resident forwarded a note to the Board regarding Light Pollution, with the intent of informing our membership of the increasing nighttime security lights on our lake, which impacts overall light pollution. Suggestions included motion triggered lighting or photo-eye type lights; these suggestions would help keep the night skies around KP Lake a more natural environment. Attached with the minutes will be an article presented to the Board regarding Night Pollution. Treasurer Report – Balance on hand as of June 30, 2022 $11,048.72 ● Income Dues (2022-23* Owners) $720.00 (*2022-6 Owners) Interest Total Income $720.00 ● Expenses: Huron Pines- Invasive Species removal $200.00 N. Watkins-Website Expenses $156.00 Total Expenses $356.00 ● Balance on hand: as of June 30, 2023 $11,412.72 Lake Steward Reports – Invasive Species: Roger Popp reported via a letter, that two of the three treated and previously eradicated Phragmites colonies have shown some regrowth. A note to the residents as well as Huron Pines was sent to begin the process of treatment this fall. General environment and wildlife surrounding the lake remains generally healthy, an indicator of overall lake community health. DNR Lake Health and Creel Study: Roger Fechner reported that the lake condition is consistently the same. Clarity remains at around 13 feet. Roger also emphasized to be watchful for milfoil and purple loosestrife. We currently do not have these species on our Lake. The final DNR Report is available. In general, the DNR indicates the fish ecosystem is well balanced. Regarding Pike: Data do not show that this predator is overabundant. Additionally, KP Lake has a healthy fish population and is a typical Bass-Blue Gill Lake. In general, any reduction in fish numbers is attributed to possible overfishing. This interesting final report is uploaded to our website. A link is also provided here. Old Business – Gypsy Moth Discussion regarding prohibitive association cost. Last year’s quote: $30,000.00 New Business and Good of the Order– ● Road Clean Updates- September 23, 2023 ● 2024 Annual Meeting: July 6th, 2024 Noon at the Lovell’s Township Pavilion ● KP Lake Website: this link is also found on Lovell Townships’ website- under the Association tab. ● Internet Service discussed: Truestream with Great Lakes Energy. The infrastructure is in place, just not the drops and connections to KP Lake customers. Several service options are available. ● Website update and possible merchandising. Nataliabrought wonderful samples of merchandise promoting KP Lake. A motion was made by Kevin Kunkleman and seconded by Gary McDonald to pursue website updating as well as merchandising. ● Motors on the Lake and High-Powered Electric craft. Discussion ensued about non-electric motors on the Lake and what residents should do to report that. In general, calling the Sheriff department is the course of action. As electric motors become more powerful, Kevin Kunkleman inquired if we could have a limited wake regulation. The DNR (who controls the boat launch and signage) will be contacted about any current or future regulations which could be posted. ● Roger Fechner offered praise to our Board and Association members for having such a great group. Board Nominations – Roger Fechner nominated Jon Buxton-President, Gary McDonald - Vice President, Rebecca Buxton-Secretary, and Bonnie Doremire-Treasurer to serve another year. These motions were seconded by Kevin Kunkleman. Motion passed. The new Board is as follows: o Jon Buxton – President o Gary McDonald - Vice President o Bonnie Doremire - Treasurer o Becky Buxton – Secretary
Reminders: Fall Road Clean Up: September 23th, 2023 10am meet at KP Lake Rd and 612. There will be refreshments for helpers! 2023 Annual Meeting: July 6th, 2024 Noon at the Lovell’s Township Pavilion Meeting Adjourned: Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Rebecca Buxton – Secretary Please click this link to access the PDF document from the DNR about the health of our beautiful lake!
Please join us at 12pm on July 8th, 2023 for our annual potluck luncheon! You'll be able to meet your neighbors, taste some delicious foods and find out what's happening in our community. Its a fun afternoon and a great place to voice any concerns or ideas you have for our beloved lake! If you have any topics you'd like to discuss, feel free to comment here or email us at [email protected].
Just a reminder that the annual Fall Cleanup of our section of Hwy 612 is on September 17th, 2022. We'll be meeting at 10am at KP Lake Rd and 612. Refreshments will be provided, along with garbage bags and safety vests. It's a fun time and an opportunity to get to know your neighbors and the Board members!
Call to Order -The annual meeting was called to order by President Jon Buxton, with 28 members and guests in attendance before/during the potluck and subsequent meeting.
Introductions were made of the Board of Directors (Roll Call): ● Jon Buxton – President ● Gary McDonald- Vice President; ● Bonnie Doremire – Treasurer ● Becky Buxton – Secretary President Report-
New Members/Guests – A welcome was offered, and all present introduced themselves and identified their locations on the lake for attendees. Several guests attended with members. Members Ill/In Distress – Members report that Bob Riley has passed. Community Watch – No report. Secretary Report – Meeting notes from July 2021 were read. No additions or corrections noted. Motion to accept Secretary Report as read by Cathy McDonald, seconded by Janet Dunning. Motion passed. 2022 Meeting notes will be e-mailed to members we have email addresses for. Treasurer Report – Balance on hand as of June 30, 2021 $10,506.35 ● Income Dues (2021-15 Owners) $550.00 (2022-6 Owners) $180.00 Interest $0.37 Total Income $730.37 ● Expenses: Hartland Clarke-checks for new account $27.07 N. Watkins-Website Expenses $160.93 Total Expenses $188.00 ● Balance on hand: as of June 30, 2022 $11,048.72 Lake Steward Report –Roger Fechner reported that the lake condition is consistently the same. Clarity at around 13 feet. Roger Popp reported that the Phragmites are eradicated. General environment and wildlife surrounding the lake remains generally healthy, an indicator of overall lake community health. DNR CREEL Study: Final DNR Report will be available this fall or winter. In general the DNR indicates the fish ecosystem is well balanced. The notes and final report will be uploaded to our website. Old Business –
● Road Clean Up Dates- September 17, 2022 Discussion regarding only one cleanup due to Spring Ticks ● 2023 Annual Meeting: July 8th, 2023 Noon at the Lovell’s Township Pavilion ● PayPal for Dues will be available currently using [email protected] as we explore other options. Use friends and family option. ● Internet Service discussed: Truestream with Great Lakes Energy. The infrastructure is in place, just not the drops and connections to customers. Several service options are available. The company indicated it will be a several year process, yet when contacted by a member the interest is high in our area and the company is running ahead of schedule in several locations around the state. Sign up as an interested party on their website. No obligation. ● Green Belt, Blight and Road Speed Limits: The Green Belt on KP Lake is 50 feet from the water’s edge, the township requires approval to clear areas within that 50 feet. If residents are concerned about blight, they are urged to contact the Township directly. The Association has no enforcement abilities regarding those. In addition, concerns regarding speed limits on the county maintained road were discussed. In general, if not posted, there was some discussion if we could erect signage. ● Garbage Can: Discussion ensured regarding the possibility of the DNR supplying and emptying a garbage can by the boat launch. Bonnie will inquire. Association will add the boat launch to the Road Clean up. ● Bylaws: Bylaws will be scanned and added to the Association Website. Board Nominations – Ed Rosa nominated Jon Buxton-President, Gary McDonald - Vice President, Rebecca Buxton-Secretary, and Bonnie Doremire-Treasurer to serve another year. These motions were seconded by Kevin Kunkleman. Motion passed. The new Board is as follows: o Jon Buxton – President o Gary McDonald - Vice President o Bonnie Doremire - Treasurer o Becky Buxton – Secretary Reminders: Fall Road Clean Up: September 17th, 2022 10am meet at KP Lake Rd and 612. There will be refreshments for helpers! 2023 Annual Meeting: July 8th, 2023 Noon at the Lovell’s Township Pavilion Meeting Adjourned: Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Rebecca Buxton - Secretary Notes from July 7, 2022, phone call with Olen Gannon, Michigan DNR Fisheries technician
The Fisheries Division is conducting a study on our lake. Gill nets were placed around the lake in May to catch and assess the fish population. That was followed by electrofishing on the night of June 1. You can see a YouTube video of electrofishing on the AuSable on the DNR Northern Lake Huron channel. Note they used boats powered by gasoline motors for this work. They will be back in August to do a Profile Development Study. This involves testing the water chemistry, profiling the oxygen and temperature at various depths, and assessing the shoreline including number of docks, seawalls, trees in the lake, etc. The results of the Study should be finalized this winter. The Michigan DNR is currently working on a new system to make such information readily available on their website. In the meantime, Olen Gannon was kind enough to share the following information with me via phone.
Hello everyone,
We hope you are all doing well! We will gather Saturday July 9th, 2022 @ 12 PM. Location: Lovell's Township, Pavilion 8405 Twin Bridge Rd, Grayling, MI 49738 We will begin with a potluck and end with a brief business portion. If you have an item you wish to include on the agenda please email us at [email protected] as soon as possible. Our treasurer will be available to collect annual dues ($30.00) and make adjustments to your email and addresses if necessary. If you plan to mail a check for the 2022 KP Lake Area Property Owners Association dues please contact us at [email protected] for payment options. |
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